Winston Hills Public School

Living and learning together

Telephone02 9639 8518

Behaviour Support and Management Plan


Winston Hills Public School Behaviour Support and Management Plan 


Winston Hills Public School is committed to explicitly teaching and modelling positive behaviour and to supporting all students to be engaged with their learning.

Our goal is to inspire every child to participate positively in the school community and beyond. We focus on promoting excellence, opportunity and success for every student, every day. We value and strive to develop safe, respectful learners in a caring learning community.

Principles of positive behaviour support, trauma-informed practice, inclusive practice, and social emotional learning underpin our daily practice. High expectations for student behaviour are established and maintained through effective role modelling, explicit teaching, and planned responses.

Winston Hills Public School’s Strategic Improvement Plan has prioritised wellbeing with a focus on all students connecting, succeeding and thriving. This is underpinned by a multi-tiered approach to learning and wellbeing.

With the commitment of the whole school, Winston Hills Public School has embedded the Positive Behaviour for Learning (PBL) evidence-based framework to support social, emotional, behavioural and academic outcomes for students.

The success of the PBL program has been supported by a common vision, language and a clear expectation of students and staff. Tier 1 and Tier 2 committees regularly meet to collect and review data to support future school directions. Expectations are explicitly taught to students and positive behaviour is celebrated through our rewards systems. 


View the school's complete plan by clicking on the link below

WHPS Winston Hills Public School Behaviour Support and Management Plan